Notice of Deadline to File for Place on Ballot for 2024 Commissioners Election
Budget Information
Change in the District’s Revenue from 2023 to 2024: $863,139; 16.38%
Change in the District’s Expenses from 2023 to 2024: $1,026,923.18; 20.13%
- Approved Budget- 12/31/2022
- Approved Budget- 12/31/2023
- Approved Budget- 12/31/2024
- Approved Budget- 12/31/2025
Financial Information
Tax Information
The District collects a one-half percent sales tax, and assesses an ad valorem tax, to fund emergency medical services. The District’s Commissioners are committed to levying only the taxes needed to provide the highest level of service.
Useful Links
- Health Links
- Center for Disease Control (CDC)– The CDC works 24/7 to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S. Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC fights disease and supports communities and citizens to do the same.
- Texas Poison Center Network (TPCN)– The TPCN provides information to citizens who suspect they have been exposed to toxic substances, or may have had adverse reactions to food, plants, or insect stings.
- CPR Training– The American Red Cross offers classes to learn a simple process the can help save a life.
- Choking– The American Red Cross provides a Conscious Choking poster.
- Weather Links
- National Hurricane Center (NHC)– The NHC mission is to save lives, mitigate property loss, and improve economic efficiency by issuing the best watches, warnings, forecasts, and analyses of hazardous tropical weather and by increasing understanding of these hazards. The NHC vision is to be America’s calm, clear, and trusted voice in the eye of the storm and, with its partners, enable communities to be safe from tropical weather threats.
- National Weather Service (NWS)– The NWS’s Mission is to provide weather, water, and climate data, forecasts and warnings for the protection of life and property and enhancement of the national economy.
- Other Useful Links